Synchronizing folders and files

Please note!

Once the installation of the FAUbox mobile App is complete, a base folder named “FAUbox” will be created within Files. Whenever you open a file in the app, it will also appear in this base folder and be included in the synchronization process. Furthermore, if you edit the file in this base folder, the changes will also be visible on the app and therefore also on every other client you are using. To edit files within FAUbox using the mobile app, ensure you make edits directly within the FAUbox base folder! Editing files directly within the mobile app will only create copies of the edited files, which can then be downloaded on your device. However, the original files will remain unchanged.

The synchronization of your files and folders will start automatically, but you can manually start the synchronisation process by following these steps:


1. Click on extension icon in the top right corner.
2. Choose the option Sync now to start the synchronization of your folders and files.